Florida Poinsettia Care Guide

Poinsettias, with their vibrant colors, are the ideal backdrops for Christmas. They are popular decorative flowers during the holiday season. These are one type of flower among the multitudes [...]

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Christmas Tree Longevity Guide

Our Christmas Tree Longevity Guide will show you how to make your tree a worthy holiday centerpiece. Many families purchase Christmas trees after Thanksgiving or during the first weekend of [...]

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Two Unique Turkey Cooking Methods

Unique turkey cooking methods exist beyond the oven. Thanksgiving is a beloved holiday, but there is always a way to make it your own.  Preparing a Thanksgiving feast takes much time and skill. [...]

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How to share a love of food with others

Humans have broken bread together since ancient times. National Geographic says that a circular loaf of bread with scoring marks — baked to be divided with others — was retrieved from the ashes [...]

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