In this day and age it’s harder than ever to get quality time with our children. Between busy schedules and their ability to tune out the real world using a variety of devices and screens. We recognize the struggle and want to help get your kids unplugged for a trip with you to the Flea Market.


There are plenty of great reasons and examples of real world life lessons to be learned by simply accompanying you to Redland Market Village or any local Flea Market. Plus, there’s no need to worry about you losing sight of your goal to score great deals. You’ll actually increase your chances as you put in the time to explain and focus on the details of each skill you teach them along the way. Below we’ve outlined the top 5 benefits of bringing your child or children on your next Flea Market trip.


1. Negotiation & Discount Appreciation

This one of the key teachings that your children can take away from their flea market experience. You are able to explain the power of looking for discounts to them. When they are in the market for a specific item, instead of spending their entire allowance on the first store, now they know the value of taking time to shop around and consider buying it used for even more savings. What kid wouldn’t be thrilled to find discounts prices allowing them to stretch their money to buy more of what they want.

Although the power of negotiation is a great skill for anyone to have, starting young is an awesome benefit of Flea Market trips! Let them start by watching you since you’ve likely honed your technique as an adult when negotiating things like price of your home or new car. Next, have them jump in and start seeing the fun of taking control of money management by find something they want as a reasonable price.  

2. Pick up a New Hobby or Collection

As we stated before, we’re amidst digital screens taking over so imagine how delightful it’d be to see your children pick up a new hobby that’s not connected to wifi!! Kids naturally love to explore so at one point in the trip allow them to browse vendor booths freely and see if they are drawn to the vast variety of items for sale. Especially considering Redland Market Village as 27 acres of possibility it should be very easy for kids of any age to pick up on a new interest or things they can start a collection of. You can sneak in educational benefits by suggesting how fun a new book collection could be!!

3. Major Imagination Moments & History Lessons

Children can let their imagination soar and spend the day as Flea Market Detectives while they walk the aisles. Encourage them to imagine the history of all the treasures they spot. Think of it like when you have sneak their veggies into dinner. They’ll have fun while developing research skills and new reasons to plug back in. Now they can look up items to see if their theories match up. Make it a weekly challenge for each trip that you can look forward to together. Discovering the who, what, where and when of an item taps into their natural curiosity.


4. Reuse & Recycle

Although our youth may not fully understand the need to protect our planet, as adults we know the importance & luckily your Flea Market trips are an amazing opportunity for them to learn. A great example is to help the kids find a Vendor Booth with an item they could buy to take home and do a Flea Market Flip on!! They’ve now recycled and can reuse the item or proudly display it in their room or around the house (among your own Flea Market Flip projects).

The main benefit of this lesson is for kids to learn that just because someone’s done using something doesn’t automatically classify as trash. When kids accompany you to the Flea Market they see first hand how much out there can be recycled and repurposed! You can really spark their attention by having your child or children read along with you about our recent blog post of Top 3 Resell Items at the Flea Market to flip for a profit.


4. Enjoy their company

The most important benefit from bringing your kids to the Flea Market with you is having fun together!! You got your family out of the house, unplugged all while learning and finding new ways to look at life! Next trip you can seek out potential DIY Flea Market Design projects to take home and do together!

Redland Market Village - Kids Face Painting Booth

Redland Market Village – Kid Zone

What if we told you there’s one last benefit but it’s strictly for the parents? Take home title of “Best Parent Ever” by making the Redland Market Village Kid Zone your last stop on your trip!! Positive reinforcement with playing at petting zoo, water fun zone, inflatable jump houses, face painting and more!!

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