How to effectively freeze vegetables

To say that COVID-19 transformed daily life would be an understatement. Few, if any, aspects of life were untouched once the virus hit. One aspect of daily life that changed considerably is the [...]

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A quick way to prepare tasty tomatoes

Tomatoes are a versatile ingredient in many meals that are just as delicious in a garden salad as they are stewed and simmered in a favorite sauce. Tomatoes are a major source of the antioxidant [...]

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Festive facts for July 4th

Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate the birth of their nation and independence from Great Britain. This day marks the anniversary of the presentation and acceptance of the Declaration of [...]

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3 perennial gardening pointers

Gardening is an engaging hobby that can provide a host of benefits, some of which may surprise even the most devoted gardeners. For example, the Harvard Medical School notes that just 30 minutes [...]

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