Budget-friendly family fun ideas

Raising a family is an expensive endeavor. A recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture estimated that the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 is $233,610. Though [...]

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Serve up a slice of sweet flavor

Pie is delicious any time of year, but especially when seasonal fruits are included in the recipe. When the weather warms up, mouthwatering blueberries are in season, making this an ideal time to [...]

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Get a head-start on hurricane season

Hurricanes pose significant challenges. Such challenges are considerably less difficult when business owners and families prepare for hurricane season in advance. A proactive approach to [...]

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Amazing facts about honey

Honey is perhaps best known for its sweet taste. But beneath that sweetness is a complex, healthy food. Bees produce honey from the pollen of plants through a complex enzymatic process, turning [...]

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Top 3 Resell Flea Market Finds

Have you ever been halfway through a pile of goods at your local Flea Market and realized you were getting such a good deal that you may have tapped into a potential source of income? Flea Market [...]

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Ice cream made right at home

Ice cream is perhaps one of the most popular foods in the world. While many people visit their local ice cream parlor or grocery store, frozen food aisle to satisfy their ice cream fix, this [...]

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