Christmas Tree Longevity Guide

Our Christmas Tree Longevity Guide will show you how to make your tree a worthy holiday centerpiece. Many families purchase Christmas trees after Thanksgiving or during the first weekend of [...]

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How to share a love of food with others

Humans have broken bread together since ancient times. National Geographic says that a circular loaf of bread with scoring marks — baked to be divided with others — was retrieved from the ashes [...]

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Top 3 Resell Flea Market Finds

Have you ever been halfway through a pile of goods at your local Flea Market and realized you were getting such a good deal that you may have tapped into a potential source of income? Flea Market [...]

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Valentine’s Day gift ideas for guys

A holiday devoted to love and affection is nestled in the middle of the chilly days of February. Valentine’s Day is a big day for retailers, and many advertising campaigns focus on gifting [...]

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