4 holiday party must-haves

Parties are highly anticipated events come the holiday season. Office parties, gatherings with friends, and family celebrations are just some examples of the many soirees that dot the social [...]

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What to do with Thanksgiving leftovers

Holiday hosts toil for hours to create lavish meals everyone will enjoy. It’s not uncommon for Thanksgiving tables to be covered with more food than guests can conceivably (and comfortably) [...]

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Host Halloween for less

Halloween marks the first stop on the holiday season highway. It is a time of great excitement and fun for young and old, with costumes, tricks, and treats brightening up an autumn day. Hardcore [...]

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6 simple ways to greener living

Protecting the planet is a goal for millions of people across the globe. And that’s a good thing, as the planet is increasingly in need of help. Behaviors few people may give a second [...]

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3 perennial gardening pointers

Gardening is an engaging hobby that can provide a host of benefits, some of which may surprise even the most devoted gardeners. For example, the Harvard Medical School notes that just 30 minutes [...]

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The various ways to repurpose dressers

One of the benefits of becoming a skilled do-it-yourselfer is the chance to embrace projects that can breathe new life into objects that others might designate for the trash or donation pile. [...]

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