Rent a Space
How To Become A Redland Market Village Vendor In 4 Simple Steps
Redland Market Village offer individuals a great low-cost option to make money. You can rent a booth at our flea market for as low as $20/day. The money that you make can vary depending on the items that you sell, the competition that you have, and the demand for the items that you sell. Becoming a Redland Market Village vendor is simple. This article will cover the basics of getting set up as a Redland Market Village vendor.
Step 1: Contact Us To Get Started
You can use the below form and we will contact you as soon as possible or you can do it the old fashion way by just giving us a call at
or email: [email protected]
Step 2: Find Some Flea Market Products To Sell
The last thing you want to do, when becoming a Redland Market Village vendor, is to spend a lot of money on obtaining inventory. So here are some tips to obtaining flea market items for free or at low cost in your local area.
- Ask friends and/or family members for unwanted items.
- Talk to local crafters about selling their items.
- Scope out the local auctions held in your area.
- Check out the local yard sales and garage sales.

Step 3: Make Your Flea Market Business Legal
Obtain a Florida sales tax id number and other business licenses needed. Our helpful Redland Market Village staff is ready to assist you to fill out forms, make copies, and assist you as needed
Step 4: Start Selling Your Flea Market Items
Pay the booth rental fee and set up your items for sale. It’s that easy!
Welcome to Redland Market Village. Our office opens from Wednesday to Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 p.m. The Flea Market operation hours are Friday from 11:00 am to 5: pm, Saturday and Sunday from 6:00 am to 6:00 p.m.
Indoor Spaces
Monthly Rent. Indoor Space is available and requires a $709.75 deposit for size of 7’x 13′.
Rates vary according to the size of the space.
Deposit is not refundable, only returned in rent.
Main Building opens Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Outdoor Spaces
(These spaces are fully enclosed and secure. You may store your merchandise within your location)
Monthly Rent. Outdoor space is available and requires a $816.25 deposit for size of 20′ × 20′
Rates vary according to location.
Deposit is not refundable, only returned in rent.
Outdoor area opens Saturday and Sunday.
Food Truck Courtyard
(These spaces are fully enclosed and secure. You may store your merchandise within your location)
Monthly Rent of $2,348.71 for size of 20′ x 20′ and requires deposit of the same amount. Deposit is not refundable, only returned in rent.
- License of Restaurants and Cafeterias
- Local Business Tax
- Truck’s Inspection.
- Sales Tax Certificate.
Opens Saturday and Sunday
Farmers Market
(These spaces are fully enclosed and secure. You may store your merchandise here securely)
Monthly Rent of $1,615.00 for size of 20’× 20′ and requires a deposit of the same amount.
Deposit is not refundable, only returned in rent.
This space is only for fruits and vegetables.
Opens Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Garden Center
Monthly Rent of $1,093.15 for size of 20′ x 20′ and requires deposit of the same amount.
Deposit is not refundable, only returned in rent.
Main Street Sheds
Monthly Rent of $816.25 and requires deposit of the same amount.
Deposit is not refundable, only returned in rent.
Daily Vendors
(These are outdoors and exposed to the South Florida Sunshine. Please be prepared & hydrated)
Daily Rent:
Daily Rent $30.00 on Saturday / $60.00 or $70.00 on Sunday.
Weekend Rent $120 for both days – Saturday, Sunday, and the Reservation.
Hours: 6:00 am to 3:00 p.m.
First come first serve.
Reservations on Friday for installations of canopy are $20.00 extra.
Space size of 20’x 20′ out in the open.
No Electricity!
Don’t Forget Your Own Shade & Tables! – We only rent the open space!
The Lease is month to month, your payment automatically renews your contract.
Monthly Payments are due the 1st of each month to the 5th After that a charge of 10% of your balance will be charged to your account.
We accept Cash, Checks or Money Orders.
Things You’ll Need To Become A Flea Market Vendor
- A Verification from us that your space is available.
- A few dollars to pay for your booth rental.
- Items to sell.
- A sales tax ID number and a vendor’s license (or other license).
- At least a few $1, $5, and $10 bills to make change.
- A sheet to cover your table.
- A welcoming booth and a smile.
We appreciate your visit; Redland Market Village invites you to take a tour of our complex and explore the business opportunities available to you.
Bienvenido a Redland Market Village. Nuestra Oficina está abierta de Miércoles a Domingo de 9:00am a 5:00pm. El Flea Market opera los viernes de 11:00am a 5:00pm, los Sábados y domingos de 6:00am a 6:00pm.
Espacios En El Edificio
Renta Mensual comenzando en $709.75 por un tamaño de 7’x13′ con un depósito de la misma cantidad para su último mes de renta. (El depósito no se devuelve.)
Estos puestos abren viernes, Sábados y Domingos.
Espacios Afuera
Renta Mensual comenzando en $816.25 por un tamaño de 20°x20 con depósito de la misma cantidad para su último mes de renta. (El depósito no se devuelve.)
Estos puestos abren sábados y Domingos.
Food Truck Courtyard
Renta Mensual de S2,348.71 por un tamaño de 20′ x 20′ con un deposito de la misma cantidad para su último mes de renta. (El depósito no se devuelve.)
- Licencia de Restaurantes y Cafetería
- Local Business Tax
- Inspección de Camión
- Certificado de Sales Tax
Abren Sábados y Domingos.
Farmers Market
Renta Mensual de $1,615.00 por un tamaño de 20′ x 20′ con un deposito de la misma cantidad para su último mes de renta. (El depósito no se devuelve.)
Estos espacios son para frutas y vegetales.
Abren Jueves, viernes, Sábados y Domingos.
Garden Center
Renta Mensual $1,093.15 por un tamaño de 20′ x 20′ con un depósito de la misma cantidad para su último mes de renta. (El depósito no se devuelve.)
Casetas En Main Street
Renta Mensual $816.25 con un depósito de la misma cantidad para su último mes de renta. (El depósito no se devuelve.)
Vendedores Diarios
(Estos están al aire libre y expuestos al sol del sur de Florida. Esté preparado e hidratado)
Renta Diaria
Renta Diaria $30.00 el Sábado / $60.00 o $70.00 el domingo.
Renta de Fin de Semana $120 para los dos días Sábado, Domingo y la Reserva.
Horario: 6am hasta 5:00pm
Se le sirve en orden de llegada.
Reservaciones los viernes para poner carpas $20.00 adicionales
Espacio al aire libre de 20′ × 20′.
No Electricidad!
¡No olvides tu propia sombra y mesas! – ¡Solo alquilamos el espacio abierto!
Su contrato es mes a mes, el pago es la renovación automática de su contrato.
Los pagos serán efectuados del día 1ro. Al 5to. De cada mes despúes del 5to día un cargo del 10% de su balance aparecerá en su cuenta.
Se aceptan cheques, efectivo o Money Orders.
Cosas que necesitará para convertirse en un vendedor
Miami Dade County Local Business Tax
200 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, FL 33128
Telephone 305-270-4949
Florida Sales Tax
Florida Department of Revenue
8175 NW 12 Street
Doral, FL 33136
Telephone 305-470-5001
License of Restaurants & Cafeterias
Division of Hotels & Restaurants
8240 NW 52 Terrace Suite 101
Miami, FL 33166
Telephone 1-850-487-1395
Agriculture Department Consumer Service
Ice Cream, Snow and Hot Dogs Carts Inspection
Telephone 1-850-245-5520
Agradecemos su visita; Redland Market Village lo invita a hacer un recorrido por nuestro complejo y explorar las oportunidades comerciales disponibles para usted.